As a brief summary, The Conjuring is a story that revolves around two families: the Perron Family and the Warren Family, as the Warrens try to help out the Perrons whose normal lives are being attacked by demonic entities. The Warrens, Ed and Lorraine, are known demonologists who were contacted by Roger and Carolyn Perron who reported that their house was haunted. As the Warrens learn more about the demons in the Perron residence, they sink deeper into the seemingly unsolvable case where they find that not only their lives are endangered but their daughter's life as well.
First, I would like to commend the narration/the flow of the story. The scenes went fluidly from one to the other, using flashbacks, which made it more organic. It's as if someone is telling the story from a first person point of view which I looked up and I was right. The writers wanted it to be in the point of view of the Warrens and for that, well done.
Story-wise, it was new since it was on the demonologists point of view and not in the victim's POV. But I just wished there were more to it. There were certain scenes (Lorraine's flashbacks of an past exorcism, appearances/disappearance of the old fat lady killing her child Rory) that I wished had more to it. I guess some of the elements had to be lost since the POV is limited.
Being a fan of horror films, I noticed that there were new "gimmicks" in the exorcism parts (ie. the rising of the chair to the ceiling, the Vampire-like quality of the possessed). They were fresh ideas and kinda nice but I just wished they were executed more effectively. I mean, the scene where she was being dragged out of the house, I wish there was more resistance. Demon or not, it hurts to be burnt alive. The chair on the ceiling was cool though.
Lastly, acting-wise, Vera Farmiga and Patrick Wilson sure did a bang-up job. And so did the rest of the cast except for Ron Livingston. I wished that he had more emotion on his face. Just saying.
All in all, the movie is edible. However, I would not recommend it to those people who are looking for that scare of a lifetime - it's not there yet. But if you want to go and get a moderate jump-start to the heart, this movie will be perfect for you. Just make sure that your heart is not weak enough to be easily startled but a few creaking noise 'cause this movie got lots of that.
Until the next time!
PS: Since the Amityville Hoax, I am kind of a skeptic about the validity of this story. Sure, the Warren's have an online website and sure they have published a few books (and have their own Occult Museum which I'm honestly very curious about) but you still can't say until someone tries to debunk them and reveal the what might-have-beens. Again, just saying.
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